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ALERT – Silver City Area
Intersection of US 180 "Silver Heights Blvd." and NM 90 "N Hudson St." the traffic light is currently not working. The intersection has been set into 4-way stop operation. The Santa Fe signal lab has been contacted, and repairs should be made by December 9, 2024.
Photos by Mary Alice Murphy
The Tamal y Mas Fiesta held at Fort Bayard on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2026 brought out lots of vendors selling food and other items to the crowds of people who came out to see the large car show, organized by Norman Castrillo, and to hear Mariachi de Luna Llena and to watch Ballet Folklorico, both of Las Cruces. After the music and dancing, the competitions began. Among them were a Hot Tamal Classic Disc Golf Tournament, a Cornhole Tournament, as well as the Chancla Toss aiming at a target or trying to toss one the farthest. Also, several piñatas brought out competitors, youths and adults, to see who could break them and release the goodies.
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
On Veterans' Day, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, November, Allingham-Golding American Legion Post 18 hosted the honoring and recognition of veterans of all US. Armed Services branches, with music, speeches and don't forget the food, cooked and served by American Legion members and auxiliary members.
Post 18 Commander Joseph Drake, USN (Ret.), who served as master of ceremonies, welcomed the full house of people to the event.
Members of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 358 brought in and posted the colors. The Hi Lo Silvers, led by Valdeen Wooton, sang The Star-Spangled Banner and a veteran led the Pledge of Allegiance.
By Roger Lanse
A Silver City Police Department officer made contact with the reporting party on Monday, Nov. 18, 2024, at approximately 11:57 a.m., regarding an unattended death in the field east of the Walmart parking lot.
According to a SCPD incident report, the officer saw a male, later identified as William Neufeld, 67, of Fritch, Texas, lying on the ground on his stomach. The body was cold and stiff, shirtless, with a sleeping bag located about four yards away.
Another officer advised he had dealt with Neufeld days prior to that day, and he was transported to Gila Regional Medical Center. Detectives processed the scene and Neufeld's body was released to Terrazas Funeral Home.
By Roger Lanse
On Monday, Nov. 18, 2024, a Silver City Police Department officer was dispatched to Walmart concerning an aggravated assault complaint. According to an SCPD incident report, the officer was told by Walmart employees that a female associate had a handgun pointed at her by a customer.
By Roger Lanse
On Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024, at about 8:11 a.m., a Grant County Sheriff's Office deputy was dispatched to 7 Chamisa Road, Mimbres, in reference to a shooting call. According to a GCSO offense report, when the deputy arrived, he met with the male victim who said that Paul Silas, later determined to be 59, of Faywood, drove into his driveway, got out of his truck, and accused the victim of stealing his motorcycle. When the victim denied having Sias's motorcycle, the victim said Sias pulled out a scoped rifle from his truck and shot into the ground between the victim's feet.
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